Inspirator Session Consent Decision-Making – A Catalyst for Collaborative Progress

Outcomes for your organisation

Informed Collective Decisions: Equip your teams with the methodologies to make decisions that are ‘good enough’ to move forward, ensuring every voice is heard, and progress fast so your organisation actually learns.
Experimental Culture: Quicker decisions on actual organisational challenges will lead to teams trying more, therefore learning more, and in result fostering a continuous improvement environment.
Increased Engagement: By involving every member in the decision-making process, enhance the sense of ownership and commitment towards the implemented decisions.
Enhanced Team Synergy: Foster a culture of mutual respect and understanding, enabling smoother collaboration and heightened team coherence.

Transformational Product Details

Consent Decision-Making: Your 2-Hour Interactive Introduction

Embark on a journey of collaborative awareness in this concise two-hour session. This workshop is designed to introduce the principles and practical applications of consent decision-making. Unlike consensus, which requires everyone to agree, consent decision-making is about making decisions that are ‘good enough’ and ‘safe enough to try’, allowing for fast, experimental learning and continuous improvement. Participants will experience the transformative power of making decisions by consent, promoting a culture of open communication and harnessing the collective intelligence and creativity of the workforce.

2-Hour Inspirator Session

Engaging Learning Experience Participants will delve into the essentials of consent decision-making through interactive activities and real-world applications, addressing actual challenges from your organisation. This approach guarantees immediate value and applicability, ensuring the concepts learned are directly relevant and instantly implementable, fostering agility and resilience in navigating the complexities of the global market.

Your Commitment: Time & Involvement

For an successful “Consent Decision-Making” session, bring together a group of 4 to 30 individuals representing various perspectives and roles within the organisation. Their active and engaged involvement is important for integrating the principles of consent decision-making and achieving sustained, innovative problem-solving.

We’re here to assist you in selecting and inviting the right individuals to ensure the best session outcomes.

Your Space or Ours: The Setting

The workshop can be conducted at your premises or, if a more conducive environment is needed, we can help arrange a suitable, distraction-free venue near your location.

Our Service: Overview of Efforts

Preparation: Arrangements for the location, participants selection, and sending out invitations.

Workshop: One immersive 2-hour session facilitation.

Total Half Day with one of our expert coaches.

Please note that additional costs for alternate venues, catering, or additional facilitation are not included in this outline. In large group sizes, we recommend to facilitate the workshop with a main facilitator and an assistant.

Talk to us to book your individualised Consent Decision-Making Session for your organisation.

Related Transformational Field(s) – Skills, Systems, Staff

Complementary Services: Enhancing Collaborative Dynamics

To reinforce the impacts of the “Consent Decision-Making” session and advance your organisation’s collaborative dynamics and strategic alignment capabilities, consider the following complementary services:

Employing these complementary services enables a holistic approach to organisational transformation, enhancing strategic comprehension, alignment, and collaborative synergy within your team.