Where-to-Play – Define the Strategic Playing Field for your Organisation

Outcomes for your organisation

Strategic Clarity: Achieve a clear understanding of the strategic domains your organisation should focus on to compete effectively and allocate resources efficiently.
Enhanced Focus and Organisational Concentration: Define where to play to concentrate efforts on the most promising opportunities, avoiding resource dilution and maintaining true organisational focus.
Informed Decision-Making: Develop a comprehensive perspective on potential markets, enabling strategic choices on competition areas, avoiding inevitable or unchangeable choices.
Alignment and Cohesion: Ensure team members understand, align with, and commit to the strategic focus, fostering unity and collaborative effort towards common goals.

Transformational Product Details

Where-to-Play: Your One-Day Strategic Workshop

Craft a strategic roadmap in just one day. This workshop guides your team in defining your organisation’s strategic domains. It’s about making informed choices on competition areas, enabling focus on the most suitable markets or segments.

4-Hour Workshop Facilitation

Interactive Learning Experience Participants will explore potential strategic domains, assess opportunities and risks, and make collective decisions on where the organisation should focus its resources and competencies. The workshop ensures a comprehensive understanding and clear articulation of your organisation’s strategic playing field, adapting to the context whether it requires a narrow or broad choice.

Your Commitment: Time & Involvement

For a successful “Where-to-Play” workshop, assemble a group of 4 to 8 individuals from various organisational roles. The active participation of this diverse team in the one-day session is crucial for deriving meaningful insights and achieving consensus on strategic focus areas.

We’re here to assist you selecting and inviting the right individuals to ensure the best workshop outcomes.

Your Space or Ours: The Setting

We can conduct the workshop at your location, ensuring a conducive learning environment. If your regular workspace doesn’t encourage deep, focused discussions, we can assist in finding a suitable, distraction-free alternative near your premises.

Our Service: Overview of Efforts

Preparation: Arrangements for the location, participants selection, and sending out invitations.

Workshop: One intensive one-day workshop facilitation.

Total One Day with one of our expert coaches.

Please note that additional costs for alternate venues, catering, or additional facilitation are not included in this outline. In large group sizes, we recommend to facilitate the workshop with a main coach and an assistant.

Talk to us to book your individualised Where-to-play Workshop for your organisation.

Related Transformational Field(s) – Strategy, Structure, Skills

Complementary Services: Strengthening Your Strategic Journey

To augment the effects of the “Where-to-Play” workshop and further advance your organisation’s strategic growth, consider these complementary services:

By incorporating these services, you facilitate a comprehensive approach to transformation, achieving strategic clarity, focus, and alignment within your organisation.