Introduction Building Proposals Together – Streamline Solution Formulation

Outcomes for your organisation

Enhanced Problem Solving: Equip your teams with the tools and methodologies to quickly and effectively formulate possible solutions to arising challenges, fostering a proactive problem-solving culture.
Collaborative Synergy: Encourage a collaborative environment where team members co-create solutions, leveraging diverse perspectives and insights for more innovative outcomes.
Strategic Agility: Enable your teams to respond swiftly to emerging challenges and opportunities, aligning solutions with organisational goals and strategies.
Empowered Decision-Making: Strengthen your team’s ability to make informed and consensual decisions, enhancing overall organisational resilience and adaptability.

Transformational Product Details

Building Proposals Together: Your 4-Hour Solution Formulation Workshop

Unleash the collective intelligence of your teams in this intensive four-hour workshop. A proposal is a structured and detailed plan or suggestion put forward by team members, outlining a potential solution or approach to address specific challenges or opportunities faced by the organisation, with the aim of gaining consent or approval to proceed with implementation. This session is carefully designed to introduce and practice the principles and practices of collaborative proposal building, acting as a catalyst for more coherent and innovative problem-solving within the organisation. The workshop emphasises consent in decision-making and continuous improvement, allowing teams to navigate through tensions and build proposals that are resilient and agile.

4-Hour Workshop Facilitation

Interactive Learning Experience Participants will get to know the essentials of collaborative proposal building through practical applications, addressing actual challenges and goals from your organisation. This hands-on approach guarantees immediate value and applicability, ensuring the concepts learned are directly relevant and instantly implementable. The workshop will incorporate patterns like delegating influence and aligning flow within a team, which are about evolving organisational structures and enabling co-creation. This makes the learning more contextual and relevant.

Post-Workshop Support

Sustained Development and Guidance Continuous support is extended to ensure the smooth integration and endurance of collaborative proposal-building methodologies within your organisational culture.

We suggest an optional follow-up session to assess progress and address any emerging challenges or queries, utilising principles of empiricism and continuous improvement to refine and adapt the proposal-building process.

Your Commitment: Time & Involvement

For a successful “Building Proposals Together” workshop, gather a team of 4 to 12 individuals representing diverse roles and perspectives within the organisation. Their active and participative involvement is crucial for the successful integration of the collaborative proposal-building approach and for achieving sustained, innovative problem-solving.

We’re here to assist you selecting and inviting the right individuals to ensure the best workshop outcomes.

Your Space or Ours: The Setting

The workshop can be conducted at your premises or, if a more conducive environment is needed, we can help arrange a suitable, distraction-free venue near your location.

Our Service: Overview of Efforts

Preparation: Arrangements for the location, participants selection, and sending out invitations.

Workshop: One immersive 4-hour workshop facilitation.

Follow-Up: Support to ensure ongoing application and enhancement of learned concepts and methodologies. Recommended one 2-hour session at least.

Total One Day with one of our expert coaches.

Please note that additional costs for alternate venues, catering, or additional facilitation are not included in this outline. In large group sizes, we recommend to facilitate the workshop with a main coach and an assistant.

Talk to us to book your individualised Building Proposals Together Session for your organisation.

Related Transformational Field(s) – Skills, Systems, Staff

Complementary Services: Strengthening Your Journey in Team Collaboration

To reinforce the impacts of the “Introduce Backbriefing” workshop and advance your organisation’s alignment and strategy translation capabilities, consider the following complementary services:

Integrating these complementary services provides a comprehensive approach to organisational transformation, enhancing collaborative innovation, strategic alignment, and responsive problem-solving within your team.